InterSearch Personalberatung - Excellence in Executive Search

Successfully filling
demanding Positions
in Germany and abroad.

Your Executive Search Partner with global Competence and high Standards of Quality

You seek – we find! Whether you are looking for a leading executive or a complex key position, whether in Germany or internationally: we advise and support you in filling challenging vacancies in all divisions. In addition to our many years of experience and our extensive knowledge of the market, we bring our personal commitment to the table – because in every single search we are driven by the ambition to create the “perfect match”.

The majority of our clients have a technical background and are medium-sized companies. Many are internationally active and therefore also benefit from our worldwide InterSearch network.

Identifying the right people.
Courting the best candidates.
Selecting the right match.

InterSearch Personalberatung:
Your Gateway to our worldwide Network

Our InterSearch Worldwide network allows us to act in more than 50 countries around the world, while maintaining strong local links. This makes us ideally suited as a local partner with an international perspective. “Global Reach. Local Impact.” is our motto and sums up our attitude quite well. We are proud of our long-standing customer relationships, which are the basis for our effective and successful recruitment consultancy services. We always aim to facilitate the long-term success of our clients with excellence in human resource management, which in turn guarantees our own.

As a member of the Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater (Federal Association of German Management Consultants) BDU e.V., Germany’s association of management and HRM consultants, we are committed to upholding the professional standards of the industry.