For more than a year, we have all been living in a state of emergency – by now, a kind of new normality has almost set in. Initially, there was also uncertainty at InterSearch as to how the pandemic would affect our work. But it quickly became clear that it is precisely in times of crisis that many companies need the support of a professional personnel consultancy. On the one hand, it is particularly important in such a situation to find suitable managers who can also master the corresponding challenges. On the other hand, companies’ HR departments are even busier than usual because new work concepts have to be developed, short-time work may have to be managed and internal processes are changing.
But: short-time work and hiring new employees – does that even fit together? It is important to know that in Executive Search we focus on executives and highly qualified experts, i.e. positions that are extremely demanding and require much more in the search than a simple ad placement. Particularly in times of crisis, every company must think and work with the future in mind, so that once the difficult phase has been overcome, it can hit the ground running again. Core functions must not be left unfilled, successions must be arranged, strategically relevant positions must be filled. Here we offer our clients competent and discreet support.
Of course, the application and selection process has also changed. Interviews usually take place by means of video conference, and initial meetings with the company also remain contactless for the time being. It is only in the shortlist of final candidates that on-site appointments – adhering to strict hygiene and distance rules – are essential to ensure that both sides get a truly personal impression. Covid-19 has presented us with significant challenges, just like any other company. Looking back over the past 13 months, however, we can say with some relief and gratitude that, above all, we have learned a lot: Perseverance, optimism and flexibility will continue to enrich our work in the future.