Technology & Career trends in the Life Science Industry

Es ist eine bekannte Tatsache, dass wir sowohl im beruflichen als auch im persönlichen Bereich unseres Lebens ständig Veränderungen erleben, die von der Technik beeinflusst und ausgelöst werden. Das ist unvermeidlich. Jeden Tag sehen wir neue Apps auf mobilen Geräten, neue Software und Upgrades, für verschiedene Funktionen in Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gesundheitswesen, Datenmanagement, Finanzdienstleistungen, Cybersicherheit, Wahlaufzeichnungen, Datenschutz – und die Liste geht weiter.Technology & Career trends in the Life Science IndustryEs ist eine bekannte Tatsache, dass wir sowohl im beruflichen als auch im persönlichen Bereich unseres Lebens ständig Veränderungen erleben, die von der Technik beeinflusst und ausgelöst werden. Das ist unvermeidlich. Jeden Tag sehen wir neue Apps auf mobilen Geräten, neue Software und Upgrades, für verschiedene Funktionen in Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gesundheitswesen, Datenmanagement, Finanzdienstleistungen, Cybersicherheit, Wahlaufzeichnungen, Datenschutz – und die Liste geht weiter.

Technologische Fortschritte und Anwendungen gehen in nur eine Richtung, und das ist vorwärts. Die damit verbundene Begeisterung und oft auch Ambivalenz, die sich aus diesem Phänomen ergibt, konzentriert sich vor allem auf die Auswirkungen der Nutzung personenbezogener Daten wie z.B. in der Genetik und bei Erhebung von Gesundheitsdaten durch Unternehmen, vor allem für die Erforschung und Produktion neuer und innovativer medizinischer Lösungen. Es stellt sich die Frage nach dem Datenschutz und wieviel davon wir bereit sind für die Weiterentwicklung der medizinischen Forschung aufzugeben. Daher ist der Datenschutz zu einer großen Sache geworden, der von CROs (Clinical Research Organisations) und Pharmaunternehmen zunehmend beachtet wird.

Der Life Sciences Sektor entwickelt sich ständig weiter, so wie es sein sollte. Dies ist vor allem auf die Notwendigkeit zurückzuführen, neue Technologien zu erforschen und anzuwenden, sei es in der klinischen Forschung, in der Entwicklung neuer Produkte/Arzneimittel, in Medizinprodukten oder in der Wirkstofffreisetzung. Innovation ist eine Notwendigkeit für große und kleine Unternehmen in diesem Sektor, da sie nur so lebensfähig und wettbewerbsfähig bleiben.

Intelligente Technologien

Die Life Sciences-Branche wurde durch technologische Fortschritte, insbesondere in den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Roboterprozessautomatisierung, positiv beeinflusst.

Der Einsatz intelligenter Technologien ermöglicht eine schnellere und genauere Datenanalyse und umsetzbare Erkenntnisse für Forscher, die zur Entwicklung neuer und verbesserter Gesundheitsprodukte führen. Der Einsatz dieser Technologien ermöglicht es Unternehmen auch, effektiv mit den Nutzern zu interagieren, unabhängig davon, ob es sich um Regulierungsbehörden, Krankenhäuser, medizinisches Personal oder Patienten handelt. Dies dient der Identifizierung neuer Forschungsbereiche, der Verbesserung bestehender Produkte, neuer und genauerer Diagnosegeräte und -produkte (die von den Patienten direkt von zu Hause aus angewendet und an relevante Gesundheitsdienstleister weitergegeben werden).

Die KI hilft auch bei der Identifizierung neuer Produkte und Prozesse im Kampf gegen endemische und unheilbare Krankheiten sowie bei der Entwicklung neuer Therapien und bei der effizienten Medikamentenverabreichung.

Die Anwendung dieser Technologie im Life-Science-Sektor wirft die Frage auf, wie die Karriereperspektiven derjenigen aussehen, die derzeit in diesem Sektor tätig sind und nach einem entsprechenden beruflichen Aufstieg suchen? Was ist mit denjenigen, die einen Karrierewandel in Angriff nehmen, wenn Aufgaben und Funktionen zunehmend automatisiert werden, oder mit denen, die Führungspositionen in der Life-Science-Industrie übernehmen wollen?

Dies sollte eine aufregende Zeit für Fachleute in diesem Bereich oder für diejenigen sein, die in die Life-Science-Industrie einsteigen möchten. Technologischer Fortschritt und Anwendung müssen nicht zum Ende der menschlichen Beteiligung am Forschungs-, Produktions- und Lieferprozess führen. Solange es sich bei den Endverbrauchern um Menschen oder Tiere (Tierarzneimittel) handelt, wird es immer notwendig sein, dass der Mensch die Entwicklung steuert.

Bei der Erforschung von Karrieremöglichkeiten gibt es bestimmte technologische Schlüsselwörter, die die Grundlage für die Karrierepläne bilden sollten. Das sind Begriffe, die uns in allen Facetten des geschäftlichen, persönlichen und sozialen Lebens zunehmend vertraut werden. Sie sind die Grundlage für die Entwicklung technologischer Anwendungen. Ein Verständnis dieser Schlüsselwörter und ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Life-Science-Industrie hilft denjenigen, die sich für ein Upskill interessieren, und liefert relevante Informationen, um aktuelle Fähigkeiten, Erfahrungen, Qualifikationen zu analysieren und wie sie mit Technologie kombiniert werden können, um die eigene Relevanz in einer Branche zu verbessern, die zunehmend technologiegetrieben ist.

Key IT Terms

Key IT Terms

Künstliche Intelligenz

Artificial Intelligence

Considering the application of Smart health-boosting apps, the use of AI is going to see an increase in the future. This will translate to the demand for Engineers, Researchers and Project Managers with the necessary technological know-how needed to innovate, produce and deliver. As a career progression plan, those within the industry must not rest on their oars if they want to keep up with the waves of change. Constant changes in technology demands constant upskilling, this is the sure path to career relevance in the future.

“The application of technology in the pharmaceutical and related sectors in Central Eastern Europe is growing. It is inevitable that the trend is increasingly influencing the regulated manufacturing sector with cloud computing and predictive analysis taking the lead while AI, robotic process automation, blockchain technology are not as widely applied for now. This could be attributed to issues relating to regulation, network collaboration and security in the case of blockchain technology.

Having said that, the career prospects for the sector is positive for those who have and are open to acquiring technical skills relevant to the industry. One of the focuses in pharma market development is delivery of medical products and drugs by internet shops, anticipation is that specialists, who may arrange business process in this segment, will definitely be in high demand.

Alliances between global and local producers for contract manufacturing will increase demand for technology transfer leaders. Managers who can search for strategic partners, also have a lot of career prospects”

Yulia Zabazarnykh – Leader of the Life Science Practice Group for Central Eastern Europe, Kontakt – InterSearch Russia.

The Internet of Things

With the use of IOT in drug application, data collection and a fast-moving market for innovative, efficient and accurate healthcare products, new innovations like gene therapy, 3D-printing the likes are becoming relevant and prevalent. There is and will continue to be need for specialists in Biotechnology who have the technical skills to amalgamate new technology with existing medical treatment protocols. Opportunities will abound in the area of Oncology, Gene therapy, invasive and non-invasive surgeries, drug delivery, and many more.

According to Rodrigo Donoso of InterSearch Argentina and Life Science Practice Group team leader for Americas,

“firms in the industry are beginning to look beyond novel drugs and devices, becoming more focused on the creation of new business models to also provide data-driven health services that are more convenient and consumer-focused. Technology is a major driver in the implementation of this strategic shifts”

One of the major areas to consider in exploring a career progression or change in the life sciences sector will be in Research. The rise of CRO’s has immense benefits for those looking to advance their training and technical skills to complement their existing healthcare and life science qualifications. There is currently a rising awareness of the key role that CROs play in this sector, however, the traditional researcher will no longer be competitive in a few years. There is the need to upskill not only in the areas of clinical research, but also in the areas of data management, patient management, research outcome commercialisation and marketing as well as regulatory affairs.

“Technology in the healthcare sector in India is growing at a steady pace and we are sure to experience some technological marvels in the future. This is definitely the era of tech-enabled change. The healthcare sector in India operates under huge pressure and medical products and devices based on new technologies such as AI, machine learning, IoT and radio frequency identification (RFID) among other will help in improving clinical outcomes. The abundance of opportunities, scope for growth and innovation triggered by these technologies is one that companies in the life science sector are leveraging in order to remain competitive while rising to the challenges and demand of the markets in the region. Today, organisations and professionals that evolve with and adopt technological advancements will be catalysts of growth in the healthcare industry”.

Lotika Mahindra, Leader of the Life Science Practice Group, Asia PAC, InterSearch India.


It is argued that blockchain will unify information from participating groups in a network, meaning that regulators and industry participants, researchers and developers can all use the same set of health care records and clinical trial data. This is with the view of improving data flow, and increasing efficiency relative to cost. Blockchain is a behind the scenes application, the end result of which is to help patients attain better healthcare. Owing to its characteristics, Blockchain lends itself to data accuracy, record keeping and data sharing which makes for ease of access by all stakeholders in the network. Another advantage of this technology for patients is that medical practitioners have access to reliable data and patient history thus making for quick, accurate diagnosis and treatment.

According to Deloitte in its 2019 Global life sciences outlook

“while digitisation brings in ample opportunities, it also exposes pharma companies to vulnerabilities like cyber threats, especially in a scenario where interdependency and collaboration are scaling. With digitisation of tools and processes, patient expectations too have risen. Stakeholders should create coherent and meaningful experiences through the entire chain of patient interactions across all phases – from R&D and product launch to commercialisation”.

Künstliche Intelligenz

Artificial Intelligence

Considering the application of Smart health-boosting apps, the use of AI is going to see an increase in the future. This will translate to the demand for Engineers, Researchers and Project Managers with the necessary technological know-how needed to innovate, produce and deliver. As a career progression plan, those within the industry must not rest on their oars if they want to keep up with the waves of change. Constant changes in technology demands constant upskilling, this is the sure path to career relevance in the future.

“The application of technology in the pharmaceutical and related sectors in Central Eastern Europe is growing. It is inevitable that the trend is increasingly influencing the regulated manufacturing sector with cloud computing and predictive analysis taking the lead while AI, robotic process automation, blockchain technology are not as widely applied for now. This could be attributed to issues relating to regulation, network collaboration and security in the case of blockchain technology.

Having said that, the career prospects for the sector is positive for those who have and are open to acquiring technical skills relevant to the industry. One of the focuses in pharma market development is delivery of medical products and drugs by internet shops, anticipation is that specialists, who may arrange business process in this segment, will definitely be in high demand.

Alliances between global and local producers for contract manufacturing will increase demand for technology transfer leaders. Managers who can search for strategic partners, also have a lot of career prospects”

Yulia Zabazarnykh – Leader of the Life Science Practice Group for Central Eastern Europe, Kontakt – InterSearch Russia.

The Internet of Things

With the use of IOT in drug application, data collection and a fast-moving market for innovative, efficient and accurate healthcare products, new innovations like gene therapy, 3D-printing the likes are becoming relevant and prevalent. There is and will continue to be need for specialists in Biotechnology who have the technical skills to amalgamate new technology with existing medical treatment protocols. Opportunities will abound in the area of Oncology, Gene therapy, invasive and non-invasive surgeries, drug delivery, and many more.

According to Rodrigo Donoso of InterSearch Argentina and Life Science Practice Group team leader for Americas,

“firms in the industry are beginning to look beyond novel drugs and devices, becoming more focused on the creation of new business models to also provide data-driven health services that are more convenient and consumer-focused. Technology is a major driver in the implementation of this strategic shifts”

One of the major areas to consider in exploring a career progression or change in the life sciences sector will be in Research. The rise of CRO’s has immense benefits for those looking to advance their training and technical skills to complement their existing healthcare and life science qualifications. There is currently a rising awareness of the key role that CROs play in this sector, however, the traditional researcher will no longer be competitive in a few years. There is the need to upskill not only in the areas of clinical research, but also in the areas of data management, patient management, research outcome commercialisation and marketing as well as regulatory affairs.

“Technology in the healthcare sector in India is growing at a steady pace and we are sure to experience some technological marvels in the future. This is definitely the era of tech-enabled change. The healthcare sector in India operates under huge pressure and medical products and devices based on new technologies such as AI, machine learning, IoT and radio frequency identification (RFID) among other will help in improving clinical outcomes. The abundance of opportunities, scope for growth and innovation triggered by these technologies is one that companies in the life science sector are leveraging in order to remain competitive while rising to the challenges and demand of the markets in the region. Today, organisations and professionals that evolve with and adopt technological advancements will be catalysts of growth in the healthcare industry”.

Lotika Mahindra, Leader of the Life Science Practice Group, Asia PAC, InterSearch India.


It is argued that blockchain will unify information from participating groups in a network, meaning that regulators and industry participants, researchers and developers can all use the same set of health care records and clinical trial data. This is with the view of improving data flow, and increasing efficiency relative to cost. Blockchain is a behind the scenes application, the end result of which is to help patients attain better healthcare. Owing to its characteristics, Blockchain lends itself to data accuracy, record keeping and data sharing which makes for ease of access by all stakeholders in the network. Another advantage of this technology for patients is that medical practitioners have access to reliable data and patient history thus making for quick, accurate diagnosis and treatment.

According to Deloitte in its 2019 Global life sciences outlook

“while digitisation brings in ample opportunities, it also exposes pharma companies to vulnerabilities like cyber threats, especially in a scenario where interdependency and collaboration are scaling. With digitisation of tools and processes, patient expectations too have risen. Stakeholders should create coherent and meaningful experiences through the entire chain of patient interactions across all phases – from R&D and product launch to commercialisation”.

Chancen in den Life-Science-Sektoren

Opportunities abound for career progression in the life science industry with the use of blockchain technology. For example, if patients have the opportunity of monetising access to their personal data, permitting companies access to ‘blocks’ of their data and medical record for research purposes, this will create career opportunities for consulting and data account management, cloud computing, network security, data security and management. Roles will abound for those with good commercial skills who are also skilled and knowledgeable in blockchain technology.


Sustainable business practices, sustainable production processes, sustainable sourcing, sustainable energy, environmental sustainability, corporate social responsibility; these are all buzz words in the life science sector. The life science industry plays a significant role in the generation of greenhouse emission as globally, pharmaceuticals and medical devices manufacturing contribute a significant proportion of healthcare associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Companies in these sectors are increasing their exploration for the generation of clean energy. As well as the provision of opportunities for the revolutionalisation of healthcare and medical products, promoting sustainable sourcing and processes is an area that companies in the sector are giving considerable attention. With governments and regulatory bodies emphasising the need for compliance, companies are increasing their budget on sustainability-related strategy and implementation.

Firms in the life sciences industry are not only talking the talk, but putting themselves in the spotlight and showcasing how their processes and actions promote and demonstrate strong sustainability efforts through technology and transparency. This is informed by the awareness that the future generation of the workforce will be one that is conscious of the effects of climate change and companies will need to make themselves attractive to this group of future talent. A good starting point will be good and solid track record of sustainable and environmentally friendly processes and practices.

Opportunities in the areas of sustainability should be explored. Increasingly, there are roles in all sections of the supply and value chain as well as opportunities in creating innovative practices that strengthen sustainability. Demand will continue to grow for professionals in these areas.

“As the industry evolves in line with new technologies and regulatory frameworks, Ireland will continue to experience the impact of disruptive technology in the sector due to the large presence of pharmaceutical and medical device companies in the country.

To this end, government and relevant agencies, third level academic institutions and companies are investing heavily to ensure that necessary frameworks required for the new ecosystem are in place. This will position the country not only as the location of choice for companies in the sector, but also ensure the availability of relevant technical skilled manpower”.

Micheál Coughlan, Managing partner InterSearch Ireland and Life Science Practice Group Leader, Europe.

Below are some possible options for career growth as technology application will see the need for more technical savvy specialist and leaders. They will be needed to guide and implement strategies and manage the inevitable impact that technology will bring to the industry.

Opportunities in Life Science Sectors

In conclusion, the rate of change in our modern world is accelerating rapidly due to technology, more so in the life science sector. However, by keeping pace with these changes and their impact, you can take advantage of opportunities provided as a result of the application of technology. You can identify where your current skillsets will best suit future needs in the industry. The onus is on the professional to monitor, assess and evaluate their career prospects and acquire relevant training in order to position themselves for leadership roles of the future. Oftentimes, the reaction to the application of technology in industry is that it will take jobs from humans, however it has been proven that technology does create jobs. Identifying one’s strengths and skills and combining them with technology is a positive step towards crafting future career pathways.